7-29-09 10:30 PM
I am in the process of adding a blog to this web site. Also, I am going to add a forum page to discuss gospel tracts. I hope that this will be beneficial to all of us. Had a pretty good day at church. Tomorrow Elizabeth and I are going out on a date with no kids! This is our very late anniversary trip. We are going to Longview to shop a little and a nice meal. No kids but I am sure they will get talked about and thought about! You parents know what I mean.
7-28-09 1:55 PM
Today has been a day of rain in East Texas. Wow! We are quite flooded here. We are thankful for it though because it had gotten pretty dry. I have spent some time on Ebay working on listings. I am still working on my very delayed prayer letter, but continue to have issues. I ran out of ink in my printer, and my Dad was creating my labels and his computer won't come on! Oh, well, gives us something to work on.
7-27-09 6:38 PM
I heard from the airlines today. They called me to tell me that the flights to Honduras on next Monday have been canceled and they gave me credit that I can use anytime in the next year. We are still planning to go to Honduras but we are going to wait a bit to go... thanks to everyone that has been praying about this situation. I believe that the Lord has answered. Thank you to those of you that have contributed to this trip... I will be contacting you about your money. We are still planning to go as soon as we feel that it is the right thing to do and the right timing. The money will be kept safe (or as safe as it can be in our banks!)
7-26-09 3:30 PM
Sunday is always the best day of the week. Heard a great Sunday School lesson on John 5-6 and then a great message on hope from Lamentations. Hope that you were in church today. Had a good time this afternoon with a friend of mine named Angelo. He has a heart for the Lord and I hope that I always can be a blessing and a help to him.
7-25-09 8:15 PM
Showed our house again today. Had a change of schedule for my meeting tomorrow, so now I am trying to decide which direction I am going tonight. Anyone know of a prophets chamber in Dallas area? I am headed that way next week. Thanks to all those that have signed the guestbook.
7-24-09 3:10 PM
Showed our house today. Again, I have been working on prayer letters that were already late but are quickly getting later and later.
7-23-09 6:17 PM
After preaching last night in Arkansas, I was up at 4:20 AM this morning to drive to my doctors appointment in Shreveport, LA. After a little shopping, I was glad to return home for a few days of rest. Joshua and I had a fun trip but it is always best when you get back home. By the way, I did have a great birthday....thanks for all the birthday greetings.
7-20-09 11:45 PM
Today I spent a great amount of time working on this new website. I have enjoyed being in Bowling Green, Ky with my parents. We went and looked at a house that is for sale. I have a lot to get done tomorrow. I am going to call the airlines and try to get my Honduras tickets changed to another date. Pray!
I was at the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Pendleton, IN with Pastor Bob Hargis this morning. He was kicking off a program called "Feeding the Five Thousand". They are attempting to pass out five thousand tracts in the next eight weeks. I sure hope they make it! Sunday evening I was at Christ is King Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky with Pastor Tom Riner. We had a wonderful time talking before the service. Pastor Riner has known me since I was born.
7-18-09 1:15 PM
Well, Greenwood, Indiana hasn't changed much. I am hanging out in McAlister's Deli because they have free internet. Not sure what I am going to do the rest of the day. May go see a friend, may not!
7-18-09 1:00 AM
Sorry I have not been posting. I am in Indiana for Dr Kendrick's funeral. It was held at Indiana Baptist College with almost 400 in attendance. Dr. Kendrick affected many peoples lives. He affected the course of my life in many many ways. I drove in yesterday 830 miles in one day.
7-13-09 11:45 AM Went looking at houses today. We are cleaning up the house this afternoon because we have some people coming to look at it. I hope that goes well.
Today I left the house very early and drove by myself to a church in Hope, AR. I spent the afternoon in Wake Village, TX and preached at Twin Cities Baptist in the evening service. After church I went on a youth activity with the teens and then spent the night at the church.
7-11-09 7:55 PM
Elizabeth and I had a day in Shreveport away from the kids. We had a great time shopping and managed to find some more great deals. Now I have to get ready for Sunday.
7-10-09 11:50 PM
I had a great afternoon shopping in Longview! Joshua and I went to K-Mart and spent 3 hours going through clearance.Below is pictured my great deal...
$264 worth for $83! We are headed to Shreveport, LA to K-Mart tomorrow morning.
7-10-09 PM 1:30PM
I just had a great meal at Dairy Queen with the family and a friend...made better because the friend paid! I am going to Longview, TX to check out a great sale I just heard about.
7-10-09 11 AM
This is one of those days that I feel I am getting nothing accomplished....hopefully that improves as the day goes on. I studied some for my message Sunday. Elizabeth and the kids just headed to the library to a puppet show.By the way, Joshua and I had fun fishing last night even though it was 94 degrees when we arrived and the bugs were bad. We caught a few fish but nothing big. Joshua finally caught one right when we were ready to leave.
7-09-09 1:45 PM
Seth is working on his prayer letter to go out next week. He spent a few hours on the phone and he wants to go catch some catfish tonight!Elizabeth and the boys went to a women's breakfast this morning. The boys played with the other kids. Elizabeth is online trying to save us money on Hotcouponworld!Hannah just went down for a nap! Amen
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