Monday, April 5, 2010

My Day in Salt Lake City, Utah

Monday was an exciting day. Bro and Mrs. Harris took me downtown to see the sights. Most of the trip was spent on a tour of the LDS Conference Center. Amazing! This building seats 21,000 and is the largest of its kind in the world.

This is a shot of the Mormon Temple

This is where the Mormon Missionaries live

Shot of the conference center

Picture of us on the roof of the conference center.... this building is so large that it has trees and fields of grass growing on the top!

Pictures do not do it justice!

people coming out of the Mormon Temple-- they are carrying their white robes that they must wear to enter.

Shot of the city from a look-out that we went to on Sunday evening.

What a time tonight in Salt Lake City, Utah. Nothing like a misplaced Texan being involved in a mid-April blizzard in the west! With projected snowfall somewhere between 6-10 inches in our area, we decided to go out at about 10:30 PM and play. It was pretty fun. In the mountains it was more like 24-36 inches of snow....glad we are not in the mountains!

Bro Harris and me

Just a little snow!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

We are having a great time in Greenbrier, AR at Faith Baptist Church. The missions conference has been exceptional, and people have been more than kind. Praise the Lord for decisions that have been made this week. On Thursday night a young man surrendered to full-time Christian service! He is the first that I have seen surrender in quite some time. May many more young people see the harvest and want to be a part!

This morning we are headed out to breakfast at Ryans with the Pastor and the other missionaries and then going shopping with people from the church.

Please pray for us on this coming Monday. We will be leaving Greenbrier at 5:30 AM and headind to Indiana. We have a meeting Monday evening so we really have to move!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

We are preparing for our longest trip yet! We leave this coming Sunday morning and will be traveling until the end of March. Check out my online schedule at to see where we will be. Hopefully we will get to see you soon!
I have been doing a lot of updating on the website.

Let me know how you like it.

Check out my new schedule as well.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It has been a long time!

Ok, ok, ok.....
I need to post more often.
I know.
Even my wife is mentioning it.

We just returned from our annual Christmas journey which totalled 3470 miles and included the states of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. We saw snow, sleet, rain and cold, cold weather!

Thank you for your prayers for my health... I have continued to feel well and appreciate the prayers.